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GRAV1TY PRO Protocol Review Request Form

We understand that there may be times when you’d like to revisit your goals and protocols before your next scheduled review. Please complete this form to request an earlier video call with your coach. This option is available only if you have been consistently following your current protocols or if you’ve experienced significant life changes. Your coach will review your request and get back to you with the next steps.

Personal Information

Have you been consistently following your current protocols (nutrition, workouts, communication, etc.) as outlined by your coach?

Please note: You must be following your protocols as agreed in order to request an earlier review.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that this request is for an additional review outside of the regular 12-week protocol review cycle. I agree to have the review conducted via video call (Zoom) with my coach, and understand that the session will be scheduled based on coach availability. I also confirm that I have been consistently following my current protocols or have experienced significant life changes, which qualify me for an earlier review.

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